2010 has to be noted down as a lucky summer.
check out the 2 satellite pics of may 18th.
one at 12 noon

one at 12 midnight

all images courtesy - indian meterological dept
we started getting a light drizzle from around 130AM and medium rains from 330AM.
yes, it is the middle of the night and i am noting down the time.
i have been cloud watching since the afternoon of may 17th searching for this rain.
since coming to pR, rains have moved from becoming a thing of beauty/traffic snarler/heat respite to basic element for survival.
being in the cities hardly allows one to appreciate the rains for what they really are.
Please show us what the pond looks like when the rains are done?
It would be interesting to see how much water is "caught" that might have otherwise
kishore - we got around 2-3 cms of rain max. chennai and nearby areas seem to have gotten soaked. the 'laila' rain was in fact lesser than what we got early this month (from the depth of soil wetness).
so the pond looks very much like how it was in the pics in the 'treadle pump' post.
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