and this is the current state of my spine (representative):

my slippage level was just over grade 2 (as per the diagnosis in july 07) and into early grade 3 (just before the surgery).
along with the implants, there is a thick bone dust formation which has been created between the same 2 vertebrae (L5 and S1) which will eventually solidify into a bone providing a unshakable solidity to the region.
hey hey csm!
welcome back, welcome back (huh huh pun).
please to check out all the dance reality shows on Tam TV while you are there in Chennai. un-miss-able.
thankfully i am reclined in a place most of the time which is not close to the telly and hence am spared the tired (tyred) damsels flaunting their non-existent dancing skills.
celebomania is aviodable.
they are celebrities. oh i did not realise that. that makes all the difference.
hope things are under control. please be good and do everything the docs have ordered.
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