this is my own addition to these hallowed spots.
the best tamil eating spot in the city (other than my own house) - hotel sharada.

located just after matunga labour camp on the road going towards dharavi's 60 feet road.
take the straight road from over the matunga central station bridge and wind along until just 50 meters before the 60 ft road.
from sion hospital, take the road towards dharavi/mahim and take the second left and within 50 meters you will see the board on your right.
also known to the locals as 'kuppan's tiffin center'.
the sambar is so good that people drink it.
every item on the menu is just outstanding (try any of the uttappams, dosas for a 'palate'ial experience) . the pricing is unbelievable (4 super soft ultra-delicious idlis for Rs 12 with unlimited sides). service is also ultra fast.

it is now almost a weekly outing here.
don't miss it for the world.
the sambar is so good that people drink it :-)
nice one! next time we are around the area, will surely go for it..
what do you mean apart from 'my own house' The fine print seems to be that you are the world's best S.Indian cook, and of course, I strongly contest that. I think we should have a cooking competition that will decide, beyond shadow of reasonable doubt.
i concede.
i am not in the running.
it was in the flow of megalomania that the boast slipped out. a rather idli..oops idle boast.
csm: should visit this place the next time I am around there.... maybe you should take me there or better you take me to your home and cook some yummy tamilian food...
kbpm and csm : Why don't I be the judge as to who is a better cook in your competition. Let me know the time and place and I shall be there.
Hai this is my hotel, we welcome all and grateful to all to post their views on this site. Thanks for your support and cooperation.
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