Eating is an agricultural act - Wendell Berry

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

retiring gandhi

sonia was at the UN general assembly on the occasion of Oct 2 'gyanning' (giving gyan) on non-violence. here are news report: AOL and rediff
wondering what was her standing to represent
a) india
b) non-violence
as chairperson of the UPA coalition, she enjoys no constitutional power.
but looks like even the UN will not stoop to indulge in "kehdo na, kehdo na, you are my sonia".

i would like india to retire the surname gandhi to prevent such blatant misuse (like they retire jersey numbers of Sports Icons in american sports).

here is something for all to chew on. classic conspiracy theory.
look at these 2 images and tell me if you are thinking what i am. click on them for larger images.
sonia is from the rediff news item and IG from google image search.

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